We constantly improve occupational health and safety

Linie - pomarańcz
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Occupational health and safety at work have the highest priority, we pay particular attention to complying with all legal requirements, and we constantly adapt our procedures and instructions in this area to ever changing conditions and factors. Occupational health and safety units operate in each company. Their goal is to identify and evaluate the status of safety and all elements in the work environment which affect this status of safety. We provide periodical occupational health and safety, fire protection and first-aid trainings to our employees.

Employees of Polkomtel and Cyfrowy Polsat, whose positions require this, are undergoing specialist trainings with respect to safe work at height, safe work in electromagnetic fields and acquire valid electrical qualification certificates up to 1kV. These trainings are necessary for performance of tasks at their working positions.


Good practice

New 2020
Occupational Health and Safety Day

The problem of fighting infectious diseases at work, in particular COVID-19, was the main theme of the Occupational Health and Safety Day in 2020.

The entire Polsat Plus Group thoroughly and constantly monitors the situation concerning coronavirus and follows the guidelines, both of WHO and governmental institutions. We undertake necessary preventive steps to ensure safety and hygienic work environment and minimize a risk of catching a virus by employees and customers.

Our key activities in this area include:

  • Developing detailed rules of work safety when faced with a coronavirus threat,
  • Providing a possibility to remotely perform their duties, for people who may perform them outside their original place of work,
  • Changing the rules of access to internal systems,
  • Providing video materials called “Safe performance of work when faced with a coronavirus threat”,
  • Publishing current information about functioning of mail rooms of  Polsat Plus Group and Netia Capital Group,
  • Permanent disinfection of cars in the intragroup car rental,
  • Rendering available advices of experts and WHO guidelines “How to deal with the stress caused by coronavirus?”
  • Regular publishing of information provided by our medical partner - Lux Med,
  • Sharing current news from our partners (including “Servicing of Group Life Insurance for Polsat Plus Group companies when faced with a pandemics”),
  • Rendering available current information of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate for the needs of supervision over coronavirus infections,
  • We encourage employees to physical exercises “Taking care of your spine”,
  • Promotion of the social action: #STAYATHOME and sharing inspirations for attractive spending of free time.

Based on the conducted examination and evaluation of electromagnetic hazards, we introduced a program of applying protective measures, preventing a possibility of exceeding occupational exposure limit values (OELs) and occurrence of direct and indirect electromagnetic hazards. Polkomtel Infrastruktura eliminates electromagnetic threats, while utilizing all available technical measures which limit the emission of electromagnetic field at its source or limit the exposure to electromagnetic field.

Employee, whose work involves exposure to electromagnetic field, may potentially work within the range of electromagnetic fields performing the work in an intermediate or threat zone. Their presence in the danger zone during daily work is prohibited. Conditions of work ensure that the daily exposure is of temporary nature – the exposure ratio does not exceed the value equal to one (W<1).

Protective zones are marked according to the current norms in this respect.

Measurements of electromagnetic fields distribution are performed regularly for the needs of the Occupational Health and Safety at all places where the employees may be present during performance of their work related to maintenance of base stations of mobile telephony, in a way making it possible to identify and mark the limits of potential protective zones. Testing and measurements of electromagnetic fields are performed only by the laboratories which have PCA certification. Employees and co-employees have permanent access to current reports of measurements published in an electronic version on the Company’s servers.

Detailed rules of safe performance of work are laid down in “Instruction of occupational health and safety while working in electromagnetic fields on mobile telephony base stations of Polkomtel Infrastruktura Sp. z o.o.” and the related documents.

Linie - pomarańcz
In TV Polsat selected people undergo specialist trainings.
  • All employees whose work involves operating live equipment have certificates issued by SEP (Association of Polish Electricians) for operation of devices with voltages of up to 1kV.
  • People working at height under special trainings before performing any work, and also have necessary fall arrest equipment such as harnesses, lanyards, helmets, gloves, safe certified ladders.
  • Measurements of work environments are performed periodically for work stations working within the range of electromagnetic field. Measurements of electromagnetic fields were performed leading to identification of an intermediate and safe threat zones which were then marked according to the applicable law. Results of measurements are available at work stations. Employees were trained with respect to safe operation of the devices generating electromagnetic fields..
  • Mandatory documentation, registers are maintained on a regular basis.
  • All employees have valid medical examination certificates allowing them to perform work on specific work positions.
  • Every employee, before starting the work, undergoes an induction training (general and position-specific trainings) in occupational health and safety, as well as fire safety. We also ensure first-aid trainings. Employees, if necessary, has access to first aid kits. Furthermore, there are two defibrillators on the premises. In connection with SARS-CoV-2 threat, we have introduced measures protecting employees against contacts at work stations. Relevant procedures have been developed and implemented.