Based on the conducted examination and evaluation of electromagnetic hazards, we introduced a program of applying protective measures, preventing a possibility of exceeding occupational exposure limit values (OELs) and occurrence of direct and indirect electromagnetic hazards. Polkomtel Infrastruktura eliminates electromagnetic threats, while utilizing all available technical measures which limit the emission of electromagnetic field at its source or limit the exposure to electromagnetic field.
Employee, whose work involves exposure to electromagnetic field, may potentially work within the range of electromagnetic fields performing the work in an intermediate or threat zone. Their presence in the danger zone during daily work is prohibited. Conditions of work ensure that the daily exposure is of temporary nature – the exposure ratio does not exceed the value equal to one (W<1).
Protective zones are marked according to the current norms in this respect.
Measurements of electromagnetic fields distribution are performed regularly for the needs of the Occupational Health and Safety at all places where the employees may be present during performance of their work related to maintenance of base stations of mobile telephony, in a way making it possible to identify and mark the limits of potential protective zones. Testing and measurements of electromagnetic fields are performed only by the laboratories which have PCA certification. Employees and co-employees have permanent access to current reports of measurements published in an electronic version on the Company’s servers.
Detailed rules of safe performance of work are laid down in “Instruction of occupational health and safety while working in electromagnetic fields on mobile telephony base stations of Polkomtel Infrastruktura Sp. z o.o.” and the related documents.